Why did they call to the kings in the north?
Malbim: The southern kings were already conquered. 1
Verse 3 mentions calling to Kena'anim in other places, including the east and west. (PF)
Why is there a Sheva under the Tzadi in Tzefon?
Radak #1, Malbim: It should be a Kamatz, since it is not Samuch (connected to the following word); this is an exception.
Radak #2: It is Samuch (connected to) "ba'Har uva'Aravah." We find Semichus even when the latter word has a prefix, e.g. "ha'Shechunei va'Ohalim" (Shoftim 8:11).
What is "Negev Kinaros"?
Rashi: It is south of Ginosar. 1
Radak: The plural Kinaros teaches a collection of places; all were fertile.
Radak: This is a very fat (fertile) land. Chachamim elaborated about the praise of its fruits.
What are "Nafos Dor"?
Rashi: They are regions of land.
Where is "mi'Yam"?
Rashi: It is the west.