
How could Yiftach vow to offer for an Olah the first to leave his house? Perhaps it will be a female animal or Ba'al Mum, a Tamei animal, or a person!


Radak citing Ta'anis 4a: Yiftach is listed among those who asked improperly; he suffered the consequence. 1


Radak citing his father, Malbim: The prefix Vov "v'Ha'alisihu Olah" means or. 2 If it is not proper for an Olah, "v'Hayah la'Shem" (it will be Kodesh 3 ). Or, if it is proper for an Olah, I will offer it for an Olah.


Maharsha (4a): Why didn't the Gemara say, perhaps it will be his daughter? Teshuvas ha'Ravaz (1:79) - this is fine for the opinion that Yiftach distinguished - if it will be a person, he will be special for Avodas Hashem (refer to 11:31:1:2, 11:31:1:2 2



Radak: We find like this - "u'Makeh Aviv v'Imo" (Shemos 21:15) means either of them.


Radak: This Perush is correct. Refer to 11:39:1:2. Ralbag - if it is a person, he will be special for Avodas Hashem. If it is a man, he need not separate from a wife, for we find that Kohanim and Leviyim are special for Hashem, and so Chanah vowed about Shmuel, and they married! However, if it is a female, she may not marry, for a wife must serve her husband.

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