
What is the meaning of "bi'Shmor"?


Radak: When he was waiting for the [proper] time to come to the city to fight. Also Yonason translates 'when he was besieging 1 .'


Malbim: He was guarding the siege [to stop people from entering or leaving the city].


Radak equates Yonason's Perush to his own. It seems that Yonason explains differently, like Malbim (refer to 11:16:1:2)! (PF)


Why did Yo'av put Uriyah with the Anshei Chayil?


Malbim: A besieged city occasionally sends out Giborim to kill some of the besiegers. The besiegers place Giborim outside, opposite the Giborim inside. Uriyah was among them; he was one of David's 37 Giborim.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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