What is the meaning of "v'Esh'ah"?
Rashi #1: I will engage, like "v'Al Yish'u b'Divrei Shaker" (Shemos 5:9).
Rashi #2, Radak #1: This is telling. The Targum of "v'Lishninah" (Devarim 28:37) is ul'Sho'i. and the Targum of "va'Asaper" (above, 118:17) is v'Eshta'ei.
Radak #2: This is like "Sorasecha Sha'ashu'ai" (9s) (it is my delight), just there the first two letters of the root are repeated.
Does "v'Esh'ah v'Chukecha Samid" depend on the first half of the verse?
Radak, Malbim: Yes. If You will sustain me and save me from them, I will not have distractions, and I will constantly speak about (or investigate) Your Chukim. Malbim - "Se'adeni" is more than Semichah (support); it is total salvation.
Why does he specify Chukim?
Malbim: I will investigate not only Mitzvos [that we understand], rather, even Chukim without a reason. Also Chukim encompass the ways of oral Torah and expounding.