
What is the meaning of "Kol Pikudei Chol Yisharti"?


Rashi: Everything that You commanded in Your Torah, it is straight in my eyes, and I said that it is straight. Therefore, it is proper that You pardon and be pleased with me.


Radak: The repetition of Kol teaches all commands written in the Torah, and also those that are not written, e.g. "v'Zos ha'Te'udah b'Yisrael" (Rus 4:7, i.e. Kinyan Chalipin), and similar matters that conduct in Yisrael for statute and Mishpat. All of them are straight, for they have reason; intellect instructs so. I make them straight in the eyes of those who disgrace them, and say that they are not righteous.


Malbim: Since I knew from Your Edos that there is reward and punishment, the Pikudim, which are Mitzvos that are a remembrance to those testimonies, are all straight in my eyes. Straightness is in Binah - I understand them in a straight way, that they are straight and true.


What is "Kol Orach Sheker"?


Radak: It is the Mishpatim of those who disgrace Your commands.


Malbim: Pikudim make [people] straight towards Emes, the opposite of Sheker.

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