
Why does it say "bi'Sfasai Siparti"?


Radak: Because it says "b'Libi Tzafanti" (11), he says that even though they are hidden in his heart, he did not refrain from telling them, to accustom himself to them and to teach them to others.


Malbim: He thanks Hashem for understanding His virtuous Mishpatim. The lips are external with respect to the mouth. The lip hints to Da'as, the mouth to Chachmah, and the tongue to Binah. Sipur applies also to something known, and he elaborates about it (as opposed to Hagadah).


What are "Mishpetei Ficha"?


Malbim: They are Mishpatim (monetary laws) built on foundations of Chachmah that he already understood via Binah. "Odecha b'Yosher Levav" (7) refers to Binah. He increased knowledge of them, until it came to Da'as, which is a clear understanding, like knowledge via senses and axioms.

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