
Why does he rejoice over Hashem's Edus?


Radak: It is when he sees wondrous Chachmah in them, and straight and righteous matters.


Malbim: Edus are tales in the Torah that testify about Hashem's Hashgachah, reward and punishment. Pekudim are Mitzvos of action that teach about these in particular, e.g. Matzah, Maror, Sukah and [Kedushas] and Bechor. Each teaches about a particular detail called Orach. He found in them all wealth, dearness and Segulah of Emunah that he gathered in his Nefesh.


What is "k'Al Kol Hon"?


Radak: It is like one who found great wealth.


Malbim: Derech is the big [fixed] path. Orchos are small paths [that branch off the big road].

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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