
What is the meaning of "Tzedek Edvosecha l'Olam"?


Malbim: The Edos that the Torah testified via its tales, that You release Tzadikim from their affliction, is always Tzedek and conducts always.


To what does "v'Echyeh" refer?


Radak: I will live forever, in the world to come. "L'Olam" refers also to "v'Echyeh".


Malbim: I request that You make me understand these Edos, so I will understand how You punish Resha'im and save Tzadikim. Often there are perplexities in hidden matters of this conduct, for people see Resha'im succeeding and Tzadikim afflicted.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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