What is the meaning of "Kidamti b'Neshef"?
Brachos 3a: I rose at the beginning of the night. Malbim - this is a metaphor for the beginning of the affliction.
Radak: During the night I rose before all who rise to pray at night.
Here, it says that David rose at the beginning of the night. Above (62), it says that he rose at midnight!
Brachos 3b: Above, David says that he was never sleeping when midnight arrived.
What is the meaning of "li'Dvarecha [Yichalti]"?
Radak #1: What You promised to me (Malbim - via Nasan ha'Navi, to save me).
Radak #2: It is what is written in the Torah "Mi ka'Shem Elokeinu b'Chol Kar'enu Elav" (Devarim 4:7). Therefore, I hoped for You to hear my request.