
What is the meaning of "Karvu Rodefei Zimah"?


Rashi: It is the counsel of sinners.


Radak: They are close to and cling to Zimah, and pursue it. Zimah is abomination and evil deed - "Ki Zimah Asu" (Hoshe'a 6:9), "Zimah Hi" (Vayikra 20:14).


Why does it say "mi'Torasecha Rachaku"?


Rashi: They distance from Your Torah to draw close to the counsel of their evil.


Radak: It is the opposite of Zimah, which they approached.


Malbim: There is nothing that unites sinners; they are separated in their lusts and deeds. Each chooses a different evil - "Nefesh Rasha Osah Ra Lo Yuchan b'Einav Re'ehu" (Mishlei 21:10). What unites them is that they distanced from Your Torah; they all deny it.

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