
What does "Sas Anochi Al Imrasecha" refer to?


Rashi #1: It is what You promised to me.


Rashi #2: It is one of Your covered (hard to understand) sayings, when I understand it.


Rashi #3 (from Menachos 43b): When David entered the bathhouse, he saw himself without Tzitzis, Tefilin and Torah - 'woe, I am bare of all Mitzvos!' He remembered 1 his circumcision and rejoiced. When he left, he said "Sas Anochi Al Imrasecha" - Milah, which was given via Amirah ("va'Yomer Elokim El Avraham v'Atah Es Brisi Sishmor" (Bereishis 17:9), and not via Dibur.


Rashi says "she'Nistakel'. Perhaps this refers to 'seeing' intellectually. (PF)


Why does it say "k'Motzei Shalal Rav"?


Shabbos 130a: Every Mitzvah that Yisrael accepted joyfully, like Milah - "Sas... k'Motzei Shalal Rav", they still fulfill joyfully.


Malbim: Finding great treasure is the biggest Simchah; it nullifies smaller Simchos. Therefore, nothing in the world (other than Imrasecha) gives to me Simchah!

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