
What is the meaning of "Gal Einai"?


Radak: Expose the eyes of my heart, so I will know to see the wonders in Your Torah, e.g. Chukim whose reasons were not revealed, Ma'ase Bereishis and other secrets of Torah.


Malbim: This addresses [not reaching perfection due to] the depth of what must be understood. Opening the eyes enables us to understand via Ru'ach ha'Kodesh, more than based on nature.


What are "Nifla'os mi'Torasecha"?


Rashi: Matters in Torah that are covered, and not explicit. They are wondrous Perushim of Your Torah.


Malbim: They are matters that are wondrous, covered and sealed.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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