
Why does it say "Ta'avti l'Fikudecha"?


Radak: Even though I sinned, I desire Your commands.


Malbim: Pekudim teach about Hashem's wondrous conduct. It always exists, for all who do the Pekudim that teach about them.


What is the meaning of "b'Tzidkasecha Chayeni"?


Radak: Extend my life, so I can fulfill the Mitzvos.


Malbim: Mishpat is according to people's merits; Tzedakah is based on Elokus, without looking at people's deeds. They are above natural conduct. Because I desire Your Pekudim, even though they are not based on Mishpat, I ask that You sustain me amidst Tzedakah, even though I am not worthy based on Mishpat, due to my sins.

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