
What is "k'Nod b'Kitor"?


Rashi: Like a leather pouch that is dried via smoke.


Radak: He compares his skin to a pouch in smoke, which is dry, and even so, "I did not forget Your Chukim."


Malbim: A pouch full of water remains moist, but if it is full of smoke, it dries. Similarly, the moisture of my body dried amidst many afflictions.


Why does it say "I did not forget Your Chukim"?


Malbim: It is proper that You save me due to the reward of guarding Chukim. Even though being in constant affliction it was easy to forget Chukim, which have no reason, I did not. Dryness (refer to 119:83:1:3) causes forgetting - even so, I did not.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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