
What is the meaning of "Kim'at Kiluni va'Aretz"?


Rashi: They would make me in the land as if I was not [in existence], and I was healthy. The same applies to "Li Kivu Resha'im Le'abedeni" (95) - from marrying into Kahal [Yisrael].


Radak: They almost killed me - "Ki ch'Pesha Beini u'Vein ha'Maves (Shmuel I, 20:3) and other places in which he was in danger, close to death.


Why did he say "va'Ani Lo Azavti Pikudecha"?


Radak: When I had the ability to kill them, I refrained due to Your Mitzvos; You commanded against murder. And even though they were liable for pursuing me without reason, I left my Mishpat (justification to kill them) upon You; You wrote "Ki Lo Atzdik Rasha" (Shemos 23:7).


Malbim: They [tried, and] almost eradicated me from the land because I did not abandon Your Pikudim. They want to nullify them, and hate me greatly for guarding them!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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