
Why does it say "v'Nashasti... Nasosh v'Abed"?


Malbim: They will not be uprooted in order to be planted again, rather, in order to perish.


How can it say that they will be lost? Below (46:27, 48:47, 49:6) it says that Hashem will return them!


Radak #1: Those who learned Darchei Yisrael will return; the others will be lost.


Radak #2: This is like R. Yehoshua said (Brachos 28a), they did not return yet 1 (just like Yisrael, even though it says "v'Shavti Es Shevus Ami Yisrael" (30:3). R. Gamliel argues.)


I.e. they will be lost until they learn; afterwards, they will return. (PF)

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