
Why did he say "Ani Mofeschem"?


Malbim: All the actions that I did, so will be done to them. Yechezkel's three exiles are a sign of their exiles ? two that passed, and the third will be in the days of Tzidkiyah.


Why does it say "Ken Ye'aseh Lahem"?


Radak: It does not say Ken Ya'asu Lahem, for they were forcibly exiled.


What is the significance of "va'Shevi Yelechu"?


Radak: There is Galus that is not Shevi, e.g. "v'Gam Goleh Atah li'Mkomecha" (Shmuel II, 15:19) and "va'Yaglum El Manachas" (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 8:6). Malbim ? Shevi is harsher than Galus. It is on condition not to return from the land to which he is taken.

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