
What is the meaning of "El Kasef Yisa"?


Radak: He will lift his garments like one who flees. He lifts his garments on his shoulder, so he can go quickly 1 .


Malbim: He will carry everything that he has on his shoulder.


I.e. normally it hangs down past his knees, and stops him from running. (PF)


Why does it say "Yachteru" (plural)?


Radak: His servants will dig for him, to take him out through the hole.


Why will he cover his face?


Rashi: It is due shame, for he will flee the city at night.


Radak: It is shameful to flee from the city that he ruled over it.


What is the meaning of "Ya'an Asher Lo Yir'eh la'Ayin Hu Es ha'Aretz"?


Radak: In order that he will not see the land when he leaves.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan 1 : Because he sinned, they will gouge out his eyes, and he will not see the land.


Malbim: There are two hints in this. (a) Just like the Navi covered his face willingly, until now the king willingly covered his face and did not supervise matters of the nation and conducting them. He himself did not see la'Ayin to supervise to do Tzedek and Mishpat. (b) Since he covered his face, he cannot see the land, he does not see the correct path.


Our text of Targum Yonasan does not mention gouging out his eyes. The coming verse says that he will die in Eretz Kasdim without seeing it. (PF)

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