
What is the meaning of "Kelai Hotzeisa ki'Chlei Golah Yomam"?


Rashi: Every day I showed to them that I prepare for myself Klei Golah.


Why did he dig with his hand?


Radak: He did not dig with an iron tool used to dig, lest the sound be heard 1 . Also, it is like one who leaves suddenly, frenzied, who has no time to take his Kelim. So Tzidkiyah and his officers, when they saw Melech Bavel, they fled immediately, amidst frenzy. Even though the verses there (in Melachim II and Yirmeyah) do not say that he dug in the wall, it is true, like it says here "ba'Kir Yachteru" (12). Also, it is logical, for they left via Gan ha'Melech; they entered via the opening to the Gan, and dug in the wall on the opposite side to leave. They dug by hand, for they did not have an iron tool, since they left frenzied, and fled.


Malbim: This third Galus, he returned stealthily to the city and fled from the other side via a tunnel.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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