
What is the significance of "v'Yivrach Yakov Sede Aram"?


Rashi: This is like a man who says 'let us return to what we discussed above.' "Va'Yasar El Mal'ach" (5). Also this I did for him. He needed to flee to Sede Aram - you know how I guarded him!


Radak: They do not remember the good that I did with their father, who fled due to his brother Esav.


Malbim: This is Efrayim's 'justification' for fraudulent scales. Yakov fled Esav to Sede Aram due to trickery - he tricked Esav about the Bechorah and the Brachah. Also Yakov did guile!


What do we learn from "va'Ya'avod Yisrael b'Ishah"?


Radak: Even when he was there, Yakov needed to work for Lavan for a woman - so he would give his daughter.


Malbim: When Yakov was in Beis Lavan, he worked for a woman (Rachel), and Lavan tricked him and gave to him Leah. Lavan succeeded, for afterwards Yakov guarded the flock again for another wife. Trickery was already conducted from the days of our fathers!


What did he guard for a woman?


Rashi: He guarded [Lavan's] flock. Radak - he did so also for Lavan's other daughter. I was with him, and blessed him, and he returned from there with wealth and property.

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