
What is the meaning of "Yafi'ach Emunah Yagid Tzedek"?


Rashi: One who speaks Emunah, he testifies properly in judgment to vindicate the innocent.


R. Yonah: One who speaks only Emes, it is proper to rely on testimony that he will give. Yagid is like "Im Lo Yagid v'Nasa Avono" (Vayikra 5:1).


Malbim: The verse depicts that one comes in front of a judge for Din. He claims Emes, and his opponent brings a false witness. A wise judge can discern Emes from Sheker via investigation. The first sign is that one who speaks Emes, he speaks gently in a soft voice, for the Emes is with him. A liar speaks loudly, in the way of testimony and swears to support his words. He has many schemes and strategies. One who speaks Emunah, even if it is a very soft Dibur and he is only Mefi'ach (blows) with his lips, it is enough to clarify Tzedek.


How is Mirmah "Ed Shekarim"?


R. Yonah: An Ish Mirmah is a liar. He lies also in his testimony. The verse comes to debase the Midah of Sheker in telling things; it leads to false testimony. People who speak Sheker are one of the four groups that do not receive the Shechinah (Sotah 42a) - "Dover Shekarim Lo Yikon l'Neged Einai" (Tehilim 101:7). This teaches also that one must doubt testimony of a liar, and probe it greatly and delay the verdict.


Malbim: The Ed Sheker - even if he comes as a witness, he says fraud. It is recognized from his words.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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