
What is the meaning of "Yaser me'Re'ehu Tzadik"?


Rashi: A Tzadik pardons his Midos and overcomes them.


R. Yonah: When there is a quarrel between a Tzadik and someone in his nation, the Tzadik has more patience, or pardons his money. This is the way of their honor, high level and superiority.


Malbim: A Tzadik does not rely on his way by himself. He is concerned lest he errs in his path. Tzadik need not be a Chacham. He did not learn the laws of Chachmah from his Rebbeyim, just he conducts according to Chachmah through habituation to deeds of Tzedek, via seeing the deeds and conduct of Tzadikim. "Yaser" teaches that he is Tar (veers) and investigates his friend 1 . Alternatively, he is Mosir (increases) his deeds via his friend.


Another Tzadik, to do like him. (PF)


How does Derech Resha'im make them stray?


Rashi: It is accustomed to do evil.


R. Yonah: Resha'im think that victory in monetary matters is honor, and patience is lowliness. I discussed this above (refer to 11:16:2:2).


Malbim: A Rasha relies on what is straight in his eyes. He does not learn from anyone.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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