
What is "Lo Yikon"?


Rashi: He will not have a base.


Malbim: Kan is a base for something detached, e.g. "Kiyor Nechoshes v'Chano Nechoshes" (Shemos 30:18). The matter stands firm via the base. Refer to 12:3:3:2 and the note there.


In what sense will Tzadikim's root not falter?


R. Yonah: If hardship and affliction come upon a Tzadik, his root will never falter, for his end and hope are arranged and guarded. This is like "v'Shoresh Tzadikim Yiten" (12). Chazal used this metaphor - one whose deeds exceed his Chachmah, he is like a tree whose roots exceed its branches (Avos 3:17).


Malbim: Shoresh is attached; it is united with the branches. Resha'im have no Shoresh. Man's Shoresh is above in a place of Taharah. Man is like an inverted tree; it source is above. Man's source is his brain. He is planted in the world of Sechel, from where he receives his influence. A Tzadik clings to his source above. Even though his body sometimes falters to the side, the Shoresh does not falter. It is in a place of Taharah and persistence - the spiritual world. Via it, also the foliage leans towards the Shoresh. 1


Malbim: A Rasha is cut off from his source above. He stands firm in the physical world with his body alone, like something detached on a base. However, also this base will falter, since his wealth is gathered via evil.



Rashi writes that "Lo Yikon" means that he will not have a base. Why does it teach this here?


R. Yonah: If you see Rasha v'Tov Lo, know that his serenity will not last. He will not have a base so his good will continue to his seed, for there is no end (future) for the Rasha - "Ki Lo Sihyeh Acharis la'Ra" (24:20).

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