
Who said "Ed"?


Rashi (from Makos 23b): A Bas Kol said it. This is one of three places in which Ru'ach ha'Kodesh appeared in a Beis Din below. 1 Radak - Hashem said, you testify about what is revealed. I testify about what is hidden. Malbim - a Shofet oversees public taxes and Tzedakah. He is allowed to take his wage and income from there; only Hashem could testify that he did not. "Va'Yomer" refers to Hashem earlier in the verse.


Radak: It was all of Yisrael together. Therefore, it is in the singular.


Makos 23b: The others are "Tzadkah Mimeni" (when Tamar was being judged) and "Hi Imo" (when Shlomo decided who is the mother of the live baby.

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