
From when are the seven days counted?


Radak (20): From the birth. 1 Malbim citing Mahari - this is why David did not mourn the child (refer to 12:20:1:2).


Metzudas David: From the illness. 2


Radak: This can even be like Mo'ed Katan (15b), which says that David observed Aveilus due to the baby. Normally, a baby that dies within 30 days of birth is a Safek Nefel. Here was different, for David knew that the months of pregnancy were complete (he had Bi'ah with her only once before Uriyah died).


Radak: It is difficult to say that David fasted and lied on the floor for seven days. (The Rambam (Hilchos Shevu'os 5:20) says that it is impossible to live seven days without eating. Surely there is mortal danger even before this! - PF)


What evil did they fear that David will do?


Radak: He will harm his own body.


Why is this not listed in Bereishis Rabah 92:7 among the 10 Kal v'Chomerim in Tanach (when the baby lived, he did not heed us


Moshav Zekenim (Bereishis 44:8): In the end, the Kal v'Chomer is rejected. (After the baby died, there was no reason to fast.)

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