
What is "Tzilecha"?


Malbim: Not only He is Shomerecha from mishaps of the land. He is also shade from natural evils of Shamayim 1 .


Lev Eliyahu (Shemos p.62): When you see a shadow, you know that something makes the shadow. The entire creation is the shadow of Hashem, hidden miracles, like the Ramban said.


Perhaps this refers to eclipses (PF). A lunar eclipse is a bad Siman for Yisrael. A solar eclipse is a bad Siman for the entire world, or Yisrael, or the other nations (Sukah 29a).


What is the meaning of "Al Yad Yeminecha"?


Radak: He helps you in all your deeds.


Malbim: Unlike other Shomerim, He is constantly at your side, like your shadow.

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