
Why does it say "la'Tovim veli'Ysharim b'Libosam"?


Radak: They are good in their deeds, and straight in their hearts.


Malbim (3-4): The second way that Hashem's Hashgachah could depart from those who trust in Him is if they trust in their hearts, but their deeds are not acceptable to Him. They cannot carry out their hearts' good in practice, due to Ones or weakness. Therefore, it says that Hashem sees the heart. He will go good to them.


Ma'alos ha'Torah (DH v'Isa b'Yalkut 1 ): Even if a Goy engages in Torah, he is like a Kohen Gadol.


He cites Yalkut Shimoni 587; it is also in Bava Kama 38a. (PF)

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