
Who rise early for naught?


Rashi: Craftsmen who rise early and remain working until late. Radak (5) #2 - they engage in work or business for the sake of money.


Radak: Avshalom and his supporters. He was early to rebel against his father and seize kingship - "v'Hishkim Avshalom v'Amad Al Yad Derech ha'Sha'ar", "va'Yignov Avshalom Es Lev Anshei Yisrael" (Shmuel II, 15:2, 6).


Radak (5) #1: This is Edom, who conquered Yerushalayim first 1 .


Bavel conquered it first! Perhaps he means that among those discussed here (Edom and Yishmael), Edom conquered it first. (PF)


Who are "Me'acharei Sheves"?


Rashi: Refer to 127:2:1:1.


Radak: Adoniyahu, who delayed to rebel and sit on the throne until David was old and lied on a bed.


Radak (5) #1: This is Yishmael, who came and fought with Notzerim, and took Yerushalayim from them, and Edom took it back


Who are "Ochelei Lechem ha'Atzavim"?


Rashi: Craftsmen who rise early and remain working until late, and earn money amidst sadness and toil. Malbim - all their toil did not get for them more than sparse bread.


Radak: Avshalom and Adoniyahu. They toiled to acquire kingship, and failed. "Atzavim" is like "b'Itzavon Tochalenah" (Bereishis 3:17). Just like one toils for bread, they toiled for kingship, and it did not help.


Radak (5) #1: This is Edom and Yishmaelim, who toil (fight each other over Yerushalayim).


What does Hashem give, and to whom?


Rashi: He gives income "li'Ydido Shena" (to one who removes sleep from his eyes) in order to engage in Torah.


Radak: He gives kingship to Shlomo, the Yedid (dear one) of Hashem - "va'Yikra Shmo Yedidyah Ba'avur Hashem." They toiled to take kingship; Shlomo received it b'Shena (like one who sleeps), without toil. Or, it is while he was sleeping. Hashem prepared kingship for him, and he did not know. The Aleph in Shena is in place of a Hei.


Radak (5) #1: He will give Yerushalayim to Melech ha'Mashi'ach without any toil. Those who toiled for it will not remain in it or dwell in it.


Radak (5) #2: He gives income to whom He wants, even without efforts, as if he sleeps. Those who make efforts, it is in vain


Malbim: He gave sleep to His dear one, just like He gave toil to you who rise early and work late. They 1 sleep while you toil. Even so, they have food just like you, who deprived your eyes of sleep via your toil.


I do not know why he uses the plural; the verse says Yedido (singular). (PF)

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