
Why does it say "she'Lo Milei Chapo Kotzer"?


Radak: It will not be harvested.


Malbim: Even if he rushes to remove the roof grass before it dries, it will not suffice to fill the harvester's hand at once. It is scattered - one here and one here.


What is the meaning of "Chitzno"?


Rashi: Chitzno is like "v'Hevi'u Vanecha b'Chotzen" (Yeshayah 49:22), "Gam Chatzni Na'arti" (Nechemyah 5:13, i.e. his arm or lap 1 ).


Radak brings these verses, and says that Chitzno is his arm. Metzudas Tziyon brings the latter verse, and says that it is the bottom of his garment.


What is the meaning of "she'Lo... v'Chitzno Me'amer"?


Radak: The one who gathers sheaves will not gather it in Chitzno (refer to 129:7:2:1 and the note there).


Malbim: Even after he took from the entire roof, it is not enough to fill Chitzno. So Resha'im, even in their serenity, "Yispardu Kol Po'alei Aven" (92:10) - they are not united.

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