
What is the meaning of "Davar Elai"?


Radak: [Hashem's] word came to me. A Nevu'ah came to me via an angel with Hashem's word.


Malbim: He did not say 'Hashem commanded me', for he did not understand the command clearly; he was unsure. An ambiguous word came to me.


Why did he add the word "Sham" regarding drinking water?


Malbim: Perhaps the command about drinking was [only] there. If so, the Isur is forever, until Hashem's word permits him. We find that "Al Tigshu El Ishah" (Shemos 19:15) forbade intimacy [so that they would be Tehorim for Matan Torah], and the Isur was permanent, until Hashem permitted (Devarim 5:27) "Shuvu Lachem l'Ohaleichem" (Beitzah 5a).


Before (verse 9) he said only "ba'Derech Asher Halachta." Why did he add now "Laleches" and "Bah"?


Malbim: This shows that one can explain the command to forbid any going on the path - forwards or backwards.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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