
Why does it say "va'Yachan", "va'Yrachamem" and "va'Yifen"?


Malbim: These are due to (a) Chen, (b) mercy and (c) merit of the Avos, respectively.


What do we learn from "Lo Avah Hashchisam"?


Malbim: Also until now, the punishment was with Hashgachah, only in order that they will repent; it was not Hester Panim. Hashem could not return to [help] Yisrael in Chaza'el's lifetime, for Elisha anointed him 1 .


I do not understand this. Yisrael could defeat Chaza'el without nullifying his Meshichah to be king. And even if it were Batel, we find that Shmuel's Meshichah of Sha'ul could have been Batel in Shmuel's lifetime, had Shmuel not prayed that this not happen (Ta'anis 5b)! (PF)

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