
What is "Masa Bavel"?


Rashi: It is the Nevu'ah of the punishments on Bavel.


Why does it say "Asher Chazah"?


Radak: This teaches that he prophesized also about other nations. It says so about the first, and need not say so about the others.


Malbim: The fall of Bavel was via the rebellion of Belshatzar's officers against their master. It was via what they saw that night - an angel wrote on the wall, and Daniel interpreted it for evil. The rebels informed the army of Paras and Madai, who then fought with Bavel. They returned to Bavel and destroyed it. Yeshayah saw how Hashem summonsed vicious warriors for this. They were from a far nation, and did not know how to come and conquer the city. Hashem prepared people of Bavel who called to them and showed them how to conquer it.

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