
What is the meaning of "Lo Seshev la'Netzach v'Lo Sishkon"?


Radak: Its residents will never dwell. This is like "ha'Ir ha'Yotzeis Elef" (Amos 5:3) refers to the people who come from it.


Malbim: It will not be settled permanently, and not even temporarily.


What is the meaning of "Lo Yahel"?


Rashi: This is like Ya'ahil 1 ; even an Aravi, who normally dwells in tents and moves his flocks from place to place, will not be pleased with Bavel, and will not fix a tent there. It will not be proper even for grazing.


Malbim: Even one who was on the road and it became dark, and he needs to lodge there at night, will not light a fire or make any illumination, lest the Chayos and snakes that dwell in the ruins sense [his presence].


Rashi: Even though it is written without an Aleph, often the sound (Nekudah) is in place of the letter [Aleph], e.g. "Malefenu mi'Bahamos Aretz" (Iyov 35:11) is like Me'alefenu; "Sheker Mezin" (Mishlei 17:4) is like Ma'azin.


Why does it add "v'Ro'im


Radak: The verse teaches that (a) it will not be built, for people to settle there; (b) one will not even pitch a tent there temporarily; (c) even flocks will not lie there. Shepherds will not put flocks there, for it will be a habitat of evil beasts, like a jungle.


Malbim: Even shepherds will not put flocks there, for it will be totally desolate.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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