
What is "Keses"?


Radak: It is a pillow put under the head when one lies down. Sometimes one sits on it.


What are "Mesaperos Kesasos"?


Rashi: They sew small Kesasos. One who asks from them, they hang him from his underarms. They do false divination - good or evil, based on what they want.


Radak: They women did this in the way of witchcraft. Anyone who asked, they sewed pillows on their underarms and make Mispechos on their heads. Via these, they tell the future.


Malbim: Just like in Kedushah, we put Tefilin on the arm opposite the heart, to subjugate the desire and thoughts of the heart to Hashem, and on the head, corresponding to the brain, to subjugate the power of Sechel and thought to Hashem. So these divining women sew pillows on Atzilei ha'Yad in the place of arm Tefilin. Via witchcraft, they trap live Nefashos of the nation and the power of their hearts to be captive under their authority, to pursue Zenus and every bad desire.


Why does it say "Atzilei Yadai"?


Rashi: This is like Atzilei Yadayim. Also "Talmei Sadai" (Hoshe'a 10:4, is like Talmei Sados). They are the underarms. Radak ? this is like the Targum 'Marpekei Yedin', like a Mishnah (Shabbos 92a) discusses one who carried in his mouth or Marpek 1 .


Rashi (92a): Marpek is the underarm. Tosfos ? it is the elbow. Ramban ? it is from the elbow until the shoulder.


What are "Mispachos"?


Rashi: They put them on people's heads to divine about them. I do not know what they are, but since he tore them (21), I say that they are of fabric. Mispachos are additions, like "Sefacheni Na" (Shmuel I, 2:36). Some say that they are mats.


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: It is bread of the priests. He likewise translated "Bamos Telu'os" (16:16) 'Mechafyan Pas Komerin.'


Radak: This is like Mitpechos ? veils with which women cover their faces.


Malbim: [These are in the place of head Tefilin,] to trap there powers of thought, so the nation will veer to false thoughts to contradict Hashem and His Torah.


Why does it say "Kol Komah"?


Radak: They made [those who ask] stand at the time.


What is the meaning of "Letzoded Nefashos Bahen"?


Rashi: They trap Nefashos to Gehinom. They encourage Resha'im ? they prophesize for them Shalom, and weaken the hands of Tzadikim, to divine evil for them.


Radak: The pure Nefashos of Tzadikim, it is as if they are caught in their traps. You say about them that the will die, because they do not ask you, for they know that it is a sin. Even though, they fear, and think that [these women] know the future. The Resha'im who support them, ask them and give to then their wages, they tell them that they will live, and good will come to them.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: The Nefashos of My nation ? can you kill or sustain them? You cannot sustain your own lives!


Why does it add "ha'Nefashos Tetzodednah [l'Ami]"?


Rashi: This is said in astonishment. Radak ? the prefix Hei introduces the question. Do you think that you will trap the Nefashos of My nation ? they are Temimim!


Refer to 13:18:6:3.


Malbim: Can you trap Nefashos of My nation to your authority?! Refer to 13:18:2:3.


What is the meaning of "u'Nefashos Lachenah Sechayenah"?


Rashi: Lachenah is like Lachem. You receive wages, and are financed via this.


Radak: The Nefashos that are yours, i.e. Resha'im, it is as if with your words you give life to them, that their lives depend on your words.

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