
Who says "Ki Ani Yadati"?


Radak: The author. I command you to praise Him, for I know His wonders and deeds.


Malbim: It is a Yisrael. He says, I do not need wonders to clarify that Hashem is great. I know it from His creation and conduct (refer to 135:6:1:2).


Why does it say "Adoneinu"?


Radak: We accepted Him to be Master and Elokim over us. The other nations accepted the Heavenly legions for their Elokim, each according to its custom.


Malbim: This refers to Hashgachah.


What is "Gadol mi'Kol Elohim"?


Radak: It is greater than the Heavenly legions and the angels that conduct the world; therefore, they are called Elohim. Our Master is greater, for they act only with His power and command.


Malbim: He is the first and last cause of everything. He conducts, oversees and rules as He wants. All natural forces submit to His desire and Hashgachah.

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