
What is "Heichal Kadshecha"?


Radak: It is the house where the Aron was 1 .


Malbim: It is Shamayim. Here he thanks for conduct via nature. In front of Hashem are His agents - the officers of the Ma'arachah. Through them, He oversees and does hidden miracles.


The Mikdash was built only after David died.. (PF)


Why does it say "Odeh Es Shemecha"?


Radak citing Ibn Ezra: I will thank Your intrinsic name, which is written and not pronounced.


Malbim: Here he thanks for conduct via nature. The King dwells in His palace, in an inner room. He Himself is not known, only His name.


What are "Chasdecha" and "Amitecha"?


Radak: They are, respectively, giving kingship to him, and fulfilling the matter of the kingship.


Malbim: They are, respectively, miraculous conduct and natural conduct.


What is the meaning of "Ki Higdalta Al Kol Shimcha Imrasecha"?


Rashi: Your name - the Master of strength who takes vengeance - You raised over it Imrasecha, i.e. the promise of Your good and Chesed. You overcome Your Midos and pardon us.


Radak #1: This is reversed; You raised Your name over all Imrasecha. Also "Makom Sham Kever" (Yechezkel 39:11, is like Makom Kever Sham). You aggrandized Your name - all will say "Yigdal Hashem", for You say and do, decree and fulfill, like You did all that You promised to me, after all said that I will not have kingship, for they saw my great wanderings.


Radak #2: You raised Your name and Imrasecha over all great matters 1 .


Radak citing Ibn Ezra: You aggrandized Your honored name that You said to Moshe over every name that You have; the other names are To'ar (descriptive) 2 .


Malbim: Even though Your name (natural conduct) is very great, and via publicity of this conduct You were aggrandized and known to many nations, Imrasecha is greater, i.e. when Your words will be revealed. This is unlike a king who hides in his palace, rather, like a king who is exposed and commands; all hear his words and commands. I.e. when You will answer the Tzadikim who pray to You, and do for them supernatural miracles, this is much greater than making Your name known via the usual natural conduct.


Radak: According to this, "Higdalta" is not connected to "Al Chasdecha v'Al Amitecha."


Radak: According to this, "Higdalta" is not connected to "Al Chasdecha v'Al Amitecha."

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