
Why will they admit to Hashem?


Radak, Malbim: Because You answered me from the affliction (3).


Will all kings admit to Him?


Radak: All those who know me will admit.


Which words of Hashem did they hear?


Rashi: When they heard "Lo Sirtzach" and "Lo Sin'af", they admitted to Your words "Anochi" and "Lo Yihyeh Lecha 1 [Elohim Acherim Al Panai]" (Shemos 20:2-3). First He made them accept His kingship over them, and afterwards He decrees all His decrees.


Radak: He promised kingship to David. When they saw that he wanders, and Sha'ul purses him to kill him, they despaired from his kingship. Now that He fulfilled it, they will thank Him. This is like I explained above (138:2:4:2).


Malbim: You Yourself speak and answer. You are unlike rich people, who hide in their palaces and do not answer those who call to them. People do not hear [the Ashirim's] words.


Refer to 119:160:1:1 and the note there.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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