
What is "Galmi"?


Rashi: My radiance and the blueprint of my form.


Radak: It is the congealed drop, before the limbs are formed. Similarly, wood is called Golem before it is made a Kli.


Malbim: Man is the small world. All powers of Ma'ase Bereishis were gathered into man; he is the image and form of the big world, like it says in Moreh ha'Nevuchim (1:73).


What is the meaning of "Galmi Ra'u Einecha"?


Rashi: From when He created the world, He saw the Golmim of the generations to come.


Radak: You put in them Ko'ach for the limbs to be formed in it 1 .


Malbim: One who builds a palace, he has in front of him a picture of its rooms and halls engraved on a tablet. He looks at it, and builds according to it. So Hashem looked at the Golem of man - the form of the big world - and made the big world according to it. Also refer to 139:16:3:4.


Why does he switch from plural (them) to singular (it)? Perhaps he means that You put in all drops Ko'ach for the limbs of a fetus to be formed in each drop. (PF)


Why does it say "v"Al Sifrecha Kulam Yikasevu"?


Rashi #1: All worldly creations, just like me, they were revealed in front of You before You created them.


Rashi #2: The Sefer of generations of man that You showed to Adam ha'Rishon. All of them were written.


Radak: All the limbs, before they are formed, are known to You, like something written in a Sefer.


Malbim: The verse depicts that the great Builder had in front of Him a Sefer in which is written all that He created in the six days of creation; the Sefer was open. Also man's Golem was in front of Him. He saw that all written in the Sefer was in man's Golem.


What is the meaning of "Yamim Yutzaru v'Lo Echad Bahem"?


Rashi (according to how "v'Lo" is written, with an Aleph): All men's deeds and their ends are revealed in front of You, as if they were already formed - even though not one of them was yet in the world. These are wonders of Hashem's acts and the protocol of His Gevurah, that the future is revealed in front of Him before it comes. And so it says "b'Terem Etzarcha va'Beten Yedaticha" (Yirmeyah 1:5).


Rashi (according to how "v'Lo" is pronounced, with a Vov at the end): Hashem showed to [Adam] the days that will be created. He chose one of them for his portion - Shabbos 1 . Alternatively, this is Yom Kipur, for pardon.


Radak (according to the pronunciation: The limbs are formed over many days. They are not formed at once. To Him, they are like one day; He knows all of them at once.


Radak (according to the Kesiv): There is not one [limb] that He did not know it before it existed.


Radak citing Ibn Ezra (according to the Kesiv): Not one limb was recognized in the Golem before it was formed - the eye, ear or any other limb - but all were there in potential in the Golem.


Malbim: The [six] days in which Hashem created the world, He saw they are one with (just like) the Golem.


Bereishis Rabah 22:13: Adam ha'Rishon said Mizmor Shir l'Yom ha'Shabbos (Mizmor 92).

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