
Why did he say "Chakreni Kel v'Da Levavi"?


Radak: Because he mentioned that Resha'im have evil intent in Emunah in Hashem, he says, investigate my heart - You will see that it is straight in Your Emunah.


Malbim: This refers to deeds that their source is in the heart, which desires and arouses actions.


What are "Sar'apai"?


Radak: My thoughts. This is like "Se'ipai" (Iyov 20:2). Both of these refer to thought, just like in a tree the branches are called "Sar'aposav" and "Se'aposav (Yechezkel 31:5, 8) for thoughts are to the heart like branches to a tree.


Malbim: They are my thoughts in matters of Emunah and mindset.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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