
Why does it mention "Lim'al Ma'al"?


Radak: I do not send such a great punishment for every Aveirah, only one that denies Me and My ability ? they say, there is no judgment or judge, like Anshei Sedom and Amorah.


Malbim: This is after Yisrael go b'Keri 1 four times. Then, they receive the four Sedarim (orders) of punishment (refer to 14:13:5:1). "Hen Kol Eleh Yif'al Kel Pa'amayim Shalosh Im Gaver" (Iyov 33:29), "v'Al Arba'ah Lo Ashivenu" (Amos 1:6).


I.e. they deny Hashgachah, and attribute matters to chance. How do we learn four times from "Secheta Li Lim'al Ma'al"? Perhaps "Li" is extra to add one. (PF)


How will He stretch His hand against the land?


Radak: He will send Shidafon and Yerakon (parched by the east-wind, and dried and turned straw-yellow ? Rashi Devarim 28:22), or command the clouds to withhold rain.


What is "Mateh Lechem"?


Refer to 4:16:1:1.


Why will animals be stricken?


Radak: It is to punish man.


After there are no animals to eat, "va'Achaltem Besar Beneichem" (Vayikra 26:29), which is the greatest curse (Malbim).


What is the significance of the punishments listed here?


Malbim: In the Tochachah in Vayikra there are four Sedarim of kinds of evils. These are included in the four harsh judgments here. All worldly evils are included in them. They are of Shamayim ? Dever and hunger ? or via beings with desire, i.e. evil beasts, or via people, who have choice ? the sword. The first Seder are kinds of maladies and those stricken via the sword ? "v'Nigaftem Lifnei Oyveichem" (Vayikra 26:17). The second Seder pertains to hunger ? "v'Lo Siten Artzechem Es Yevulah" (ibid. 20). The third Seder evil Chayos, and the fourth repeats the sword, and then Dever and hunger. Hunger is the harshest Tochachah.

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