
Why does it say "Efrayim Mah Li Od la'Atzavim"?


Rashi: Efrayim will say, why should I pursue idols? They will retract from idolatry. Radak - when I served idolatry, I had all evil. Now that I will serve Hashem, I will have all this good!


Malbim: Also Efrayim who first served idolatry, will recognize that there is no reality to it.


What is the meaning of "Ani Anisi va'Ashurenu"?


Rashi: I will answer him from his affliction, and see his poverty.


Radak: I will look at [Efrayim] at a time of desire - the opposite of "v'Histarti Panai Mehem" (Devarim 31:17).


Malbim: I will answer their Tefilos and oversee them from afar with My Hashgachah.


What is the comparison to a fresh pine tree?


Rashi: I will bend to him to hold his hand. A fresh pine tree, bends to the ground; one can hold the branches. I.e. I will be available to him.


Radak: One can bend its top to its roots. So "Marom v'Kadosh Eshkon v'Es Daka u'Shfal Ru'ach" (Yeshayah 57:15; I am elevated and Kadosh, yet I dwell with the lowly).


Malbim: A pine tree has many branches, and they spread, and its leaves are always fresh. One who sits under it, he has protection from the heat of the sun and torrential rain. So one who takes refuge in Me will find shelter from all mishaps of time.


What do we learn from "Mimeni Peryecha Nimtza"?


Rashi: All your good comes from Me! Malbim - I influence physical and spiritual good. My fruits are the fruits of Etz Chayim.


Radak, Malbim: A pine tree does not make fruits, but you will always find fruits from Me.

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