
What is the meaning of "Atzas Oni Savishu"?


Rashi: You say that Yisrael's counsel, to trust in Hashem, is shame. Malbim - they did not prepare strategy and Gevurah for war; they relied on a miracle that Hashem will help them. They mocked this. Sancheriv said "Chizkiyah entices you, saying 'Hashem will save us.' Did the gods of the nations save...?!" (Melachim II, 18:32-33).


Radak: The Oni trusts in Hashem to escape your hands, for he has no other protection. You shame him, for you do not see the punishment come soon. You say to the poor "Ei Elokiemo; ... Yakumu v'Ya'azruchem" (Devarim 32:37-38).

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