
How do Pesayim inherit Iveles?


Malbim: A Pesi believes everything. He is enticed via Kesilim and Evilim, like a silly dove. He receives Iveles and doubts like one who inherits others, without knowledge or discernment at all.


What is "[va'Arumim] Yaktiru Da'as"?


Rashi: They will make it a crown for their heads.


R. Yonah #1: Yaktiru is Po'el Omed (the action applies only to the subject); they will be crowned with Da'as, and rise to grandeur with their Chachmah.


R. Yonah #2: They will put a crown of glory on Da'as, for they will endear it to people, and glorify it with their Chachmah.


Malbim: Arum is the opposite of Pesi. He tests everything, and does not do anything until he knows well what and why to do. Even though he is not Chacham or Navon, Da'as is a crown in his head; he does not act without Da'as.

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