
When did the evil bow in front of the good?


Rashi: This will be in the future.


R. Yonah: Arumim are glorified with Da'as. They are not concerned that Pesayim do not recognize their glory. Even though sometimes Resha'im are honored and they succeed, they are lowly and bowed in the earth in the eyes of the good. Their great power and honor is not glory for them in front of the good. Lifnei means in the eyes of, like "v'Chasher ha'Davar Lifnei ha'Melech" (Esther 8:5).


Malbim: Even though evil opposes good, and a Rasha opposes a Tzadik, when evil comes in front of good, it bows to it and is submissive to it.


What does the verse teach about "Resha'im Ad Sha'arei Tzedek"?


R. Yonah: "Shachu" applies also to this (they bow). The Resha'im are lowly amidst Tzadikim. Also "Meshivei Milchamah Sha'arah" (Yeshayah 28:6) and "ba'Sha'ar Lo Yiftach Pihu" (below, 24:7) refer to where Chachamim meet.


Malbim: Also Resha'im, when they come to the gates of a Tzadik, they bow in front of him. The nature of evil is not to stand in front of good, just like darkness does not stand in front of light.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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