
Why is Achituv called the brother of Ichavod?


Radak #1: Ichavod was mentioned before (4:21), and Achituv was not.


Radak #2: Ichavod was named due to the exile of the Aron. His father was then with the Aron in the camp, and Yisrael stumbled due to the sins of the Kohanim and their own sins. In this war, Achiyah wore the Efod, and he was good in front of Hashem; there was salvation for Yisrael.


Who was Kohen Hashem b'Shilo?


Radak: It was Eli. Achiyah was in the camp with Aron Elokim.


What is the meaning of "Nosei Efod"?


Rashi: This refers to the Urim v'Tumim. 1 Malbim - also this shows that he did not intend to fight. He would not fight without asking the Urim v'Tumim, which was with him!


Radak: The verse teaches that Eli's descendant was Kohen Gadol, to teach that the curse on Bnei Eli did not take effect yet (until Tzadok became Kohen Gadol).


Which Am did not know that Yonason went?


Radak: It is the men with Yonason. Had they known, they would have gone with him! Malbim - also this shows that he did not intend to fight. If not, he would have told them to be ready [to fight in back of him]!

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