
All Ba'alei Chayim are Hashem's deeds. Do they thank Hashem?


Radak: They do not have Da'as. However, man understands their formation, and how Hashem prepared their food, and thanks Hashem; it is as if they thank Hashem.


Seforno: No. "Ma'asecha" refers to humanity.


Alshich 1 : Yes - Perek Shirah teaches how different species thank him.


It seems that Ibn Ezra agrees. (PF)


Who are the Chasidim who bless Hashem?


Radak: Those who constantly contemplate His deeds, they constantly bless Him, for they always see new animate and inanimate matters and the Tikun in them. Chachamim enacted Brachos for seeing different matters (Brachos 54a). One who wants to be a Chasid should fulfill matters of Brachos (ibid., 30a).


Malbim: They go beyond the letter of the law. They draw from Him an influence of Brachah and great good. This is blessing Hashem!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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