
Why does it mention that Hashem made Shamayim va'Aretz, and the sea?


Radak: It is proper to trust in Him, for He made everything, and He can raise, lower and do to His creations as He desires.


What is "v'Es Kol Asher Bam"?


Radak, Malbim: It is what is in the three places. Radak - (a) in Shamayim - angels, the great legions and seven Mesharsim (Kochvei Leket - the sun, moon and five closest planets)' (b) in the land - animals, birds and people; (c) in the sea - great Taninim and all sea creatures.


What is the meaning of "ha'Shomer Emes l'Olam"?


Rashi: He fulfills and guards His promise to the end of many generations.


Radak: He guards His promise for a great time. E.g. He promised to take Yisrael out of Galus, and after they were there so long that all the Goyim despaired 1 , He took them out.


Malbim: The truth of His promise is forever, for He is eternal, and his promise will not change due to any reason.


I.e. they were sure that Yisrael will never leave. (PF)

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