
Did Uziyah become king only in Yaravam's 27th year?! Uziyah became king in the same year as Yaravam, or 14 years later!


Rashi (citing Seder Olam 19): In his 27th year, he [became a Metzora] and ruled as a Metzora 1 .


Radak: Uziyah become king at the start of the last 27 years of Yaravam. Yaravam became king in the 15th year of Amatzyah. Amatzyah lived another 14 years, and Uziyah became king. This was 27 years before Yaravam died; he reigned 41 years.


Malbim citing Mahari: The verse means when Yaravam was going to rule another 27 years 2 .


Malbim: Verse 8 (after Yaravam died, Zecharyah became king in Uziyah's 38th year) teaches that Uziyah became king in Yaravam's third year (for Yaravam ruled 41 years). If so, Uziyah ruled 12 years in his father's lifetime. From the time that Yo'ash defeated Amatzyah, Yehudah was under Yisrael. This was until the 24th year of Uziyah, i.e. Yaravam's 27th year. Then Uziyah ruled strongly, not submissive to Yaravam. We find like this below (17:1). It says in Divrei ha'Yamim II, 26:17 that in his strength, Uziyah became haughty and entered [the Heichal] to offer Ketores, and became a Metzora. According to Chazal, this was in the middle of Uziyah's kingship, three years later. It is clear that it was in Yaravam's lifetime, for Amos (1:1) prophesized in their lifetime before the Ra'ash (when Uziyah became a Metzora). Divrei ha'Yamim I, 5:17 says that Yosam was judging the Bayis (for Uziyah was a Metzora) in the days of Yaravam (who died in Uziyah's 37th year. Uziyah reigned 52 years, so) he was a Metzora at least 15 years. Presumably, it was longer, i.e. he became a Metzora shortly after his kingship strengthened 3 .


Radak, Malbim citing Mahari: I.e. they ruled together for 27 years, and then Uziyah ruled as a Metzora. This is difficult. Why is this attributed to Yaravam?


Malbim: This is difficult. After Yaravam died, Zecharyah became king in Uziyah's 38th year (verse 8). According to Mahari, it was Uziyah's 27th year!


Malbim: Hoshe'a (1:1) says "in the days of Uziyah, Yosam



Rashi writes that Uziyah became a Metzora in his 27th year. His son Yosam was 26 when Uziyah died. Did Uziyah father him when he was a Metzora? "Mi'Chutz l'Ohalo" (Vayikra 14:8) forbids intimacy!


Radak citing Mo'ed Katan 7b: The verse forbids during Yemei Sifro (between the two times that he shaves). Uziyah fathered him during Yemei Chaluto; then it is permitted.

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