
R. Shimon said (Sukah 45b), if Yosam would be with me and my son, we could accept (atone for) all Aveiros from the time of Avraham until the end of days. What was so special about Yosam?


Rashi (45b): He was more humble than the others, and exemplified "Ben Yechaved Av" (Mal'achi 1:6). When his father was a Metzora and Yosam judged the nation, he never took the crown, and every judgment he gave was in the name of his father.


R. Chananel (45b): Yosam, R. Shimon and his son did not receive any reward in this world for their merits.


'Rashi' (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 27:2 citing R. Elazar bar Moshe): Every other king has a sin. David - "Rak bi'Dvar Uriyah" (Shmuel II, 11:12). Shlomo - "Nashav Hitu Levavo" (Melachim I, 11:4). Rechav'am "Azav Es Toras Hashem" (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 12:1). Aviyah went "b'Chol Chat'os Aviv" (Melachim I, 15:3). Asa took the gold and silver from Otzeros Beis Hashem [to bribe Ben Hadad - ibid., 18] and incarcerated the Navi (above, 16:10). Yehoshafat joined with a Rasha (Melachim I, 22:48). Yehoram killed his brothers (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 21:4). Achazyahu followed his mother's counsel to do evil (above, 8:26). Yo'ash killed Zecharyah and became an idolatry (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 24:22). Amatzyah bowed to the idols of Se'ir (ibid., 25:14). Uziyah entered the Heichal to burn Ketores (ibid., 26:19). Achaz went in the way of Malchei Yisrael, and made Matzevos to Ba'alim (below, 16:3). Chizkiyah became haughty, and there was anger against him (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 32:25); Chachamim disagreed with three of the things he did (Pesachim 4:9). Menasheh was evil in Hashem's eyes (below, 21:2). Yoshiyah did not heed the Nevu'ah from Hashem (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 35:22). Tzidkiyah did evil in Hashem' eyes (below, 24:19), and incarcerated Yirmeyah (Yirmeyah 32:2-3). Yosam had no sin 1 !


Verse 35 says "veha'Bamos Lo Saru Od ha'Am Mezabchim u'Mekatrim ba'Bamos"! This requires investigation. (PF)

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