
Why does it say that the Letz does not love one who rebukes him?


Malbim: A Letz mocks the laws of Chachmah because one cannot clarify them with proofs of Sechel. He cannot mock rebuke of the Sechel with proofs, just he hates it and guards from it. "Yoser Letz Loke'ach Lo Kalon u'Mochi'ach l'Rasha Mumo" (9:7). However, one who rebukes a Letz with proofs, he will not disgrace him, for he submits to the Sechel's proofs. However, he hates the one who rebukes him. Therefore, he does not go to Chachamim. He does not guard from Musar, for he mocks it. When Yochi'ach is followed by [a pronoun beginning with Lamed, or the prefix] Lamed, he debates with him via Sechel in matters of Chachmah and Musar; he does not rebuke about a particular matter. When Yochi'ach is followed by Es, he rebukes about a particular matter. Here it is not about a particular matter, so the Letz does not hate him; still, he does not love the rebuke.


Why does he not go to Chachamim?


Malbim: He hates the one who rebukes him.

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